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目前分類:每日一句 (511)

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 It is a time when people cherish of the memory of the ancestors.

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 On Tomb Sweeping Day (Qingming Festival), Chinese people go to the countryside to weed the graveyard and sweep the tombs.

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  Thus, people should grasp and enjoy the nice spring day.


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 Travel in spring, we can experience a totally new different feeling from the grey bleakness of winter.


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 In spring, people can have joyous experience to see the new life all around.


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 In spring, it's a good time to have a picnic with friends.


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 Many people plan to pay a visit to Yangmingshan for bloom watch on weekend.


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 It is a season that the weather starts to warm up.


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 Spring is just around the corner.


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Jogging is a good way to exercise.


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I always go jogging in the park next to my house.


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I go jogging on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


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More and more people enjoy jogging early in the morning.


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Jogging helps us become healthier.


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In recent years, jogging has become a very popular sport.


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My favorite exercise is jogging.


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We have to get out more and we can do all kinds of things outdoor.


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There’s a good movie on TV tonight that I don’t want to miss.


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My sister like to do something quiet, such as playing chess or player cards.


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We can try bird-watching because I just bought a new video camera last week.


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