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 Night markets in Taiwan is famous for their food.

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  Although the Internet is certainly a valuable asset in our lives, it is still better for you to get outside occasionally and spend time with your family and friends.

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  Thus, Internet can be a great help in our daily life, as long as we make good use of it.
  因此, 只要我們好好利用網路,對我們每天的生活來說,會是一大幫助。

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  It depends on how we use the Internet.

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  There are both advantages and disadvantages of the convenience of the Internet.

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  On the Internet, people exchange new ideas with one another and get new knowledge in a short time.

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  Most modern people cannot live without the Internet.

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  Internet makes our life become more convenient in many ways.

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 For children, Easter is a fun holiday because they can color the eggs and go Easter egg hunting.

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 Easter is a Christian holiday in spring.

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 Easter egg hunt is a popular activity on Easter.

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 For the Easter egg hunt, adults hide eggs, and then children look for them.

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 Easter is a celebration of new life.

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 Easter eggs symbolize hope and new life.

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 Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring.

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 Tomb sweeping is regarded as one of the most important custom in the Qingming Festival from which the name of Tomb-sweeping is got.

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 Tomb Sweeping Day has been regularly observed as a public holiday in Taiwan and some Asia countries, like Hong Kong and China.

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 On this day, people will prepare a lot of things; such as flower and some food, for the ancestors.

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 The main activities are ancestor worship and sweeping tomb.

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 Tomb Sweeping Day is the most important day for people to offer sacrifice to ancestors.

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