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目前分類:每日一句 (511)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


 My father is an office worker and he is also a walking dictionary.


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 I will make my father a card for Father's Day.


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 In the USA, Father's Day is on the third Sunday of June.


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 Father's Day is on August 8th in Taiwan.


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 To speak English well helps you travel around the world.


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 I hope I can travel all over the world with my family one day.


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 You can learn about other different cultures by traveling different countries.


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 Some people choose to travel by bike, or even on foot.


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 Most people travel by plane because it's faster and easier.


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 You can travel with a group of people or alone.


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 Traveling is a good way to relax.


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 In addition, English poetry is also written for many different reasons.


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 Like Chinese poetry, English poetry has its own forms and rhyming plans.


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 I have learned a lot about the basics of English poetry.


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 I took a course in English poetry in college.


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 Do you think that English poetry is difficult to understand?


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Poetry is a way of communicating ideas or feelings in just a few words or lines.


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There are more than 50 different kinds of kangaroos in the world today.


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The best time to see kangaroos in action is the evening and early morning.


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Kangaroos can jump high with their strong legs in the back.


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