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目前分類:每日一句 (511)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

My friend, Lisa, was cheated out of her money by her boyfriend in the internet.


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People are not necessarily honest; they may not tell the truth about themselves in the internet.


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Generally speaking, it is dangerous to make friends through the internet.


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 Let's go to the concert together next time.


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 We will have a great time at the concert.


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 I already bought four tickets to this concert.


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 It's the rock concert and begins at 7:30 p.m.


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 There is a concert in the park tonight.


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 My friends and I sometimes go to a concert on the weekend.


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 I have been interested in music since I was a child.


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 Follow all traffic lights from now on,and make driving or riding a vehicle a great experience.


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 You should always slow down when the traffic light turns yellow.


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 For your safety, pay attention to the traffic signs.


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 Every driver must be careful if they want to avoid traffic accidents.


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 People in Taiwan often use motorcycles instead of cars.


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 Many big cities in the world have traffic problems.


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 Cars and motorcycles are convenient traffic tools.


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 Which animals is your favorite?


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 The plains of Africa are alive with many kinds of animals.


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 Sea animals need clean beaches and clean water.


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