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目前分類:每日一句 (511)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

 It's wonderful to be together with my family.


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 How often do you get together with your family and friends?


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 Remember to bring your umbrella or raincoat when you go out.


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 I hate walking on the wet ground after it rains.


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 It's always cold and rainy in winter.


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 The heavy rain caused serious disasters, like flooding and landslides.


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 It's rained a lot these days.


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 The weather becomes cold after fall.


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 What's the weather like in Taiwan?


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 Night markets are popular in Taiwan.


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 Mayday is one of the most famous bands in Taiwan now.


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 The Maokong Gondola is very famous in Taiwan.


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 Many people like to visit the east of Taiwan on vacation.


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 The weather in southern Taiwan is warm all the time.


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 In Taiwan, the color of a taxi is a special yellow.


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 Foreigners visiting Taiwan are often pleasantly surprised.


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Most people use the internet to send email, find information or play games.


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However, the internet may be both convenient and harmful.


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I can understand their personality and character by the real contact.


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I like to make friend by talking with them face to face.


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